McLuhan and Wordsworth
I am presenting on William Wordsworth, and how he has influenced McLuhan whilst also helping to reinforce his message.
Wordsworth’s idea of internal landscapes is used
by McLuhan to showcase how people are affected by their environment and the
information it imposes. This idea of combining nature and the human mind to express how we process and convey information is something that Wordsworth used both visually and orally throughout his poetry. McLuhan uses this concept to showcase how media influences people through altering their senses and perceptions.

I enjoyed connecting the two and seeing how their ideas intertwined. McLuhan gains lots of influence from revolutionary people, therefore continuing the chain of revolutionary ideas.
"Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any sense alters the way we think and act – the way we perceive the world” (Marshall McLuhan).
"Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any sense alters the way we think and act – the way we perceive the world” (Marshall McLuhan).
This reminds me of our photography project and how we had to explore an environment and reflect on how we interact with it, and how it interacts with us. I think you did a nice job of incorporating Wordsworth's ideas into your project, because writing, especially poetry, can alter our perceptions about the world.