Space and Time

The whole video is dedicated to my reaction of the relationship between time and space, based on McLuhan’s description and explanation. McLuhan’s believes time and space have merged stating that "we now live in a global village...a simultaneous happening" (McLuhan). Although he says that "at the high speeds of electrical communication, purely visual means of apprehending the world are no longer possible" (McLuhan), I tried to make an optical comprehension of the correlation between time and space.

I wanted my video to be focused on rapid transitions. The still, gentle videos of a person contradict the fast-paced, intense, neon lighted videos, that are compiled together to give the allusion of time and space. These transitions also indicate the viewer’s observation and the person in the video’s experience. I like the parts of the video where I overlap people and the visual obscurities, creating heightened experience.
I wanted my color scheme to be mainly dark, to allude to the feeling of vast space. I also think this highlights the stark contrast of the vivid flashes of light. My aim was to visualize time passing, through vigor and the speed of the lights.

I think the video has a quirky nature, and has a mix between reality and imaginary. To me, the blitz of images captures time moving through space.


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